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are you having your
emotional needs met?

Take our free test to find out.

get our digital guided workbook for radical self-acceptance and emotional freedom

Embark on a journey to explore the depths of who you were, who you are, and who you want to be.

also available on Amazon Kindle

Person holding tablet and digital pen looking at digital journal cover
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The journaling app that helps you rediscover yourself through your emotions and needs


it's our philosophy that our emotions
are the key
to a
more authentic
and fulfilling life

Our uncomfortable emotions are often expressions of unmet emotional needs.

how it works

jornee combines modern psychology and the philosophy of yoga through AI, to help you understand yourself better, and stop the cycle of self-judgement.

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you write how you feel

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jornee offers insights about the potential unmet needs behind your feelings

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jornee offers journaling prompts that help you reflect on how to meet your needs 

more than a journal, a deep dive into yourself

jornee helps you rediscover yourself and live a more connected life, by helping you:

✔️ track the trends of your unmet needs 

✔️ learn to communicate and meet them

✔️ become more accepting of who you are

✔️ get in touch with your core values

✔️ cultivate more authentic relationships

sign up to our Patreon to stay in touch

jornee is in very early days of development.
In the meantime, we regularly post on our Patreon page

Inspirational content and tips about journaling and emotional wellbeing

✔️ Free* downloads and discounts 

✔️ News as to how far we are from launching

✔️ Invites to become our first paid testers

X No spam

X No selling your data to other companies

* Out Patreon page has a free tier for all, but free and discounted products are available only for paid members.

want to support us? join our Patreon page!

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