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how it works

The jornee app uses AI to help you understand yourself better.

It combines
psychology and the philosophy of historical, spiritual, and personal practices to show you how your emotions, especially the difficult ones, are often an expression of an unmet need

Let us walk you through it... 

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First, the app will prompt you to write how you feel.

You can write in natural language, as you would normally speak to a friend.


jornee reads and understands your feelings and the context.

It picks up on the
underlying feelings behind your natural expressions, even if you're not completely sure how you feel.

It then offers insights into the
potential unmet needs behind your feelings.

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guides you

jornee then offers you tailored journaling prompts that help you reconnect with your unmet needs.

This allows you to not only
understand yourself better, but also understand how to better meet your needs, instead of feeling like you need to "correct" them.


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await journee's instructions!

let's do a quick
grounding exercise using our 5 senses
what happened today that was difficult to accept?
if money wasn't an issue, how would you be living your life?

more than a journal, a deep dive into yourself.

jornee offers exercises and practices for you to learn how to better meet your needs and live a more connected life.

✔️ track the trends of your unmet needs 

✔️ learn to communicate and meet them

✔️ become more accepting of who you are

✔️ get in touch with your core values

✔️ cultivate more authentic relationships

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